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Facility Onboarding

Understanding Facilities in the Nursa Ecosystem

In the Nursa ecosystem, a Facility represents a physical location where healthcare services are provided, and for which job offers (shifts) are posted. These facilities can vary widely in type, including but not limited to:

  • Long-term care facilities: Places that provide extended care for individuals who require assistance with daily activities or medical needs over an extended period.
  • Hospitals: Comprehensive healthcare institutions that offer a wide range of medical services, from emergency care to specialized treatments.
  • Departments within clinics: Specific areas within a clinic that focus on particular types of care or medical services, such as cardiology or pediatrics.
  • Intensive Care Units (ICUs): Specialized departments within hospitals that provide critical care and monitoring for patients with severe health conditions.

The Role of a Facility User

A Facility User is an individual with the permissions to manage and post shifts for the facilities they are associated with. However, it's crucial to note the following:

  • Facility Users cannot post shifts for themselves: Their role is to manage and post shifts on behalf of the facilities they are connected with.
  • Posting shifts is restricted to connected facilities: For security and operational reasons, a Facility User can only post shifts for the facilities they are officially connected to.

Connecting Facility Users to Existing Facilities

To ensure proper management and accountability, the process for connecting a Facility User to a facility involves several steps:

  1. Connection Requests: Facility Users must request to be connected to a facility.
  2. Admin Approval: These requests are reviewed and must be accepted by Nursa Admins before the connection is established.

Creating New Facilities

Similarly, the creation of new facilities within the Nursa ecosystem follows a controlled process to maintain data integrity and operational security:

  1. Facility Creation Requests: Facility Users can request the creation of a new facility.

    Request Parameters:

    name requiredstringName of the facility
    type requiredstringType of the facility (e.g., Long Term Care)
    category requiredstringCategory of the facility (e.g., Assisted Living)
    numberOfBeds requirednumberNumber of beds in the facility (between 0~999)
    streetAddress requiredstringStreet address of the facility
    cityName requiredstringName of the city where the facility is located
    zipCode requiredstringZip code of the facility in ##### or #####-### format
    stateCode requiredstringState Abbreviation of the facility in ANSI standard
    county requiredstringName of the county where the facility is located
    contactPhone requiredstringTelephone number of the facility in +1########## format
    specialty requiredstringName of the facility specialty
    websiteUrlstringWebsite URL of the facility
    billingInformation requiredObjectObject containing BillingInformation
    ├─ contactName requiredstringName of the contact
    ├─ contactEmail requiredstringEmail of the contact
    └─ contactPhone requiredstringTelephone number of the contact in +1########## format
  1. Admin Processing: These requests must be processed and approved by Nursa Admins before the facility is officially added to the system.
    • The upside of this approach is that the newly created Facility will automatically have the requesting User connected.

This structured approach ensures that all facilities and their associated users are properly vetted and approved, maintaining the high standards of the Nursa platform. By following these procedures, we can provide reliable and efficient staffing solutions for a wide range of healthcare settings.